Japanese Prayer Wall

Japanese Prayer Wall

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Prodigals in 2012

As I prepared for this week’s Bible study, I started thinking about writing the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) in the context of 2012.  Who would you cast in the roles of the characters?

At first I considered using celebrities as the prodigal son. I immediately thought of ones in the news for repeated rehab visits, for public intoxication, for cheating on their spouses, or for a number of other “prodigal” behaviors.  If those celebrities would repent and change their ways, they could have a big impact on their fans.  They’re in a natural position to speak to many people about how grace and forgiveness are a part of their lives.

Then, I started thinking about placing more average people in the roles.  Maybe the father figure is played by a teacher, and the two brothers are students.  On one hand, there is the student who always does their homework, participates in class, and genuinely seems interested in learning.  In other words, every teacher’s dream-student.  On the other hand, there is the student who makes the teacher want to pull out all of their hair and scream.  The student rarely does their homework, skips school, and lies about going to the bathroom while instead making out with their boyfriend.  Just imagine the possible transformation.

As a teacher, I am looking at this scenario from a different perspective than I ever have before.  Yes, I would love to see a student become a diligent and hard working individual.  The prodigal story could stop there, and it would be a noteworthy transformation.  It’s true that a big part of my job is helping students learn important information and skills that will help them later in life.  If that’s all I did though, I don’t think it would be enough.  Maybe I’m optimistic or naïve enough to still think I can make a positive impact on my students’ lives, beyond what will show up on a pencil and paper test.

Now, let me leave all the teachers (including myself) with a couple questions to consider: What part does grace play in a classroom?  What part should it play?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lessons From My Twenties

Normally as one year comes to a close and another begins, I like to look back and think about the life lessons I learned that year.  This year I asked myself, “Why stop at just one year?”  So, now I bring to you…
Lessons from my Twenties
·        Sometimes life doesn't turn out the way you expect it to, and that's alright because sometimes God's plan is better than anything you could have imagined.
·        You have to risk making mistakes if you are ever going to improve.
·        You’re beautiful, inside and out.  Maybe you’ll never be on the cover of a magazine, but you’re more beautiful than you know.
·        Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness.  It is a sign of strength and maturity.
·        Don’t apologize for who you are.  Let all the special, unique, and strange qualities shine through.
·        Stand up for yourself.  Don’t let people walk all over you or treat you badly.  You deserve better than that.
·        Numbers on the scale or on tags of clothing do not define you.
·        People are always watching and listening.  Show them what you’re made of.
·        Whenever possible, say something nice about someone behind their back.  Then make sure to tell them that compliment to their face.
·        It’s easy to get sucked into negative thinking, complaining, and gossiping, especially when everyone else is doing it.  Positive thinking is a choice, but it does become easier the more you do it.
·        Yes, there is such a thing as a stupid question, but don’t be afraid to ask it.
·        When someone is grieving or going through a really horrible situation, don’t try to give them advice or to fix things.  Instead, truly listen, pray for them, and be present.  Then, when everyone else has gone back to their own lives and forgotten about the horrible situation, continue to offer support for that struggling friend.
·        The biggest times of growth in your life stem from the biggest struggles in your life.  Just have an open mind to the lessons God might bring out of those dark times.
·        You’re stronger than you think you are.